Wednesday, 17 February 2010

All things are created twice

I am created twice, mental or first creation and physical or second creation. Adam is first creation and Hawa is second creation. He is Your first creation and I am Your second creation.
 So if as I am the BLUEPRINT of my soul, I am the BLUEPRINT of him, I am the BLUEPRINT fist creation, it really what he and I want, that I have thought everything through.

Because all things are created twice, people said that “think twice” or “second chance” or “second life” and in safety culture there is “take two”.

Think twice means before you say, you do, have to think twice, does your words hurt another? Does your act hurt another? Because we have to learn, all that we have said it’s not easy to delete in someone heart, which we have act isn’t easy to erase in someone mind.

Second chance, we have second change in this life, first chance when you were a baby and call your mommy or call your daddy for your second chance, when you lean to walk or run for first chance, or a chance for you hating or loving.

Second life;  in this world is first life then I will get the second life after I pass away; before married is first life and after married is second; real life is the fist and cyber life is the second; home is my first life and office is my second life

Take two means take two minute for safe 8 hours. Prior the job start we have to think only 2 minute all that we do must be in safe.

It doest mean that first creation is better than second creation, it doest mean that Adam is better than Hawa, it doest mean that my mental is better than my physical and it doest mean that He is better than I. the second creation to completed for the first creation. Does Adam failure product? So have to complete with Hawa?

Its doest mean if you are second creation; second life; or maybe you are the first creation; but you have to sure that what your choice is the ultimate.

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